Friday, February 19, 2010

Sushi and babies

I have SO much to write about but ill save it for another time.

so were in Chicago visiting marks side of the family. Tonight we decided to take the boys out for sushi... a nice, fairly quiet place. They are usually pretty good when we take them out. this place was not extremely kid friendly, but for my boys i thought we would be ok. HA.

So they put a couple behind us who you can tell have no kids. i see the mans head shaking now and then, his hand go up near his head now and then lol. i can tell he was a little annoyed, BUT if he only knew the adventure we had been on over the last week, and that i was trying my best to keep them happy.. they really werent THAT bad, they were just being kids! and ethans voice is naturally loud at times. they shouldve sat somewhere else and things would be fine. anyways...

so im going to make this kind of short because i need to get to bed!

well you know how you get glasses of water? ethan decided to dip his napkin in the water so he could wash his face... his WHOLE face lol. he left half of his napkin in the glass. so we had to give it to the waitress. no big deal. i brought crayons, and paper, i try to go anywhere prepared. ok, so were all just coloring... ethans fussing.. 'hey i dont want crayons, i want markers' well, i had no markers. eventually he decided he did want to color.

then all of a sudden i hear 'i farted' from ethans mouth... oh ethan shush!! lol. that was the first of about 2 or 3 times he said that. hes 2! were trying to teach him whats acceptable and whats not.. hes usually very polite ut hes not used to eating in a palce where it is so quiet. i guess. lol.

so then he is eating his rice, finally! after some convincing and almost having to take him to the bathroom so he could stop complaining... but we didnt need to. so anyways he drops the spoon and the damn thing breaks! it was the kind of spoon i got with my miso soup... so we sent that back to the kitchen.

then brody is wanting shrimp.. but i think since the museum he has been concerned about certain foods being 'real' or 'alive' so i have to get into a littl discussion about the food... i explain the shrimp was alive once, but its not now. so he tells me to eat it first then he will eat it. so i do. gladly btw... i love seafood! finally he tries it and thats all he eats for dinner.. that was ok by me at that point. he IS a good eater so ah well.. one time is ok.

so brody tries a piece of sushi... he likes the inside, but not the seaweek wrap part... 'thats gross' he says loud ..... uuhhh 'brody...shoosh!' he also made a loud comment about the smell of it lol. 'that stinks!'

so then i order them ice cream so i can enjoy my meal... hey i paid a good penny for this meal and its not often we get to do this ...i will never see these people again and my kids WILL learn to eat in nice restaurants.. they HAVE to learn so we can all go out together. and like i said, this was unexpected, theyre usually not that bad.

so then theyre eating their ice cream, its japanese style so its kind of got a flim on the outside, its kind of thick, and ethan is trying to 'cut' through it and all of a sudden "SMASH!!" the damn bowl falls on the floor beneath us and breaks... UUHHHH ETHHHAAANNNNN! lol. i felt a little stupid. lol. but its not like we caused such a scene, it was in my head though that we were, but most people, aside from that one couple, didnt notice our table. i dont think. lol.

so the staff were SOOOOO nice, and cleaned it up. i felt like more of a jerk because they have no idea who we are and about our traveling and busy schedule, and that my boys are good kids.. they probably thought they were little brats for all i know, but it didnt show if so.. because really they were SO helpful!

so finally moments later we get our check and leave and i had a LONG talk with both boys on the way home about appropriate ways of acting in a restaurant and la-de da-de da... like all you moms have probably told your kids... lol. so they came home and went to bed very well and tomorrow is a new day!!

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