Monday, February 8, 2010

Morning coffee

Normally my morning coffee routine lasts about 2 hours lol. SERIOUSLY. most of those 2 hours i take for myself... Brody is at school, Ethan is usually peroccupied, and aside from breaks here and there i get y morning to myself which i actually enjoy and so does ethan it seems. Thankfully.

Right now Ethan is reading his tage book. he LOVES them. This time of day is my favorite time because i get to unwind and take in my morning. i spend all day with the boys and cleaning and here and there. so as long as Ethan is ok with this routine, I am happy for it.

im getting to the bottom of my coffee mug just about...

So I am wondering wile im sitting here, why do certain individuals make it so difficult to communicate with one another and be apart of each others lives? it is like a never ending battle it seems. No matter how much you try to get along perfectly with people, it will never happen and that should be ok. noone is going to agree with each other 100% all the time and if they do their lying.

I think a relationship becomes stressed out when people have unrealistic expectations of it. I also think sometimes people need breaks from one another, and others need to be reminded when they are crossing a boundary in the relationship, like my mom for instance. (sorry mom i love ya but your a good example lol) my mom KNOWS she over does it sometimes.. and i have to tell her ok ma, can you please just stop doing what youre doing. id much rather feel i can tell my mom the truth about how i feel about her actions rather than us not talk for months because im avoiding her. that becomes my problem, not hers... she probably didnt know she was being annoying.

then still with others, you tell them how you feel and they just dont seem to get it or give in a little bit... in that case for me, i have to just give myself a break from them. Sometimes people need space to grow or figure out who they are, or to figure out what they want, who is family to them and who they want to invite into their personal lives...etc.

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