Friday, March 5, 2010

what the 1950's has taught me...hehehe

I always feel like i dont belong in this time error. there is too much pain in families and individual people, many men i know unfortunately dont meet the standard of being great fathers and providing for their families, kids are so disrespectfu... people generally make life difficult for themselves these days.

Although i could not see myself conforming to certain ideas in the 1950's, like staying home with the kids for the rest of my life lol, the basic family traditions are what i wish everyone could experience today. To me, i love to cook and sit down together at the table adn eat, adn talk about our day, and everyone cleans up their own plates. my little boys at age 2 and 4 are taught certain things like the importance of earning... discipline, respecting adults, loving and depending on each other, contributing to the house by cleaning and letting the dogs outside etc... these are important things i feel that will set them up for success as adults. our society today is lazy. for our little boys today, what kind of men will they be tomorrow if they are not taught certain things at kids. they are someday going to be fathers most likely. we want great husbands adn fathers for our future some day.

My husband is excellent, not flawless lol, but he is perfect. i couldnt have asked for a better man. maybe this is because his parents are older and taught him from the beginning some of the things i mentioned. his mother is going to be 70 in december. one of the things i find funny is when mark and i first dated adn still toay actually, he always tried to open the door for me. well, i wasnt used to that and i never gave him the chance to get to the door before me.. to make a long story short, his mother taught him to hold the door open for her and it was just natural for mark to do the same for me. simple things like this i feel are worth the extra effort to teach our kids as parents.

brody holds the door open for me. i guess mark rubbed off on me a little bit lol. i dont make him, but now and then he does and he will hold it open for others too. its just a really kind act. it makes me feel happy too, to see a little old lady smile because a young boy held the door open for her. shes not used to that bahavior from the young kids these days.

I teach brody at this little age, how to respect women. i grew up in a home where that wasnt seen too often and it is very important. Brody and ethan used to pick flowers in the front of our house and take them to school for their teachers. when brody liked a little girl he brought her a flower. this is one of the many many things i teach my kids. While they are little and i have control of them i want them to get so used to the idea of being this way to females (elders, family etc..)that is just becomes second nature. i also teach them not to be walked all over too lol. to protect themselves, that just because they are good litlte men, doesnt mean they dont deserve respect also. if they dont like the way someone is treating them, i teach them to voice that and work out their problem instead of running from it.

Something else that i feel is important is the stress of loving your siblings even if you dont like them. it hurt me when i heard brody say to ethan 'your not my brother anymore'. it hurt because i have seen the fights my brothers used to get into, i know THAT is inevitable lol, but as adults, my brothers arent all super close, they probably arent too confident that they could totally rely on the other... some of this is because the way they treated each other in the past. while i can control my boys, like i said earlier, i want to teach them to grow together and love each other... be a support system for each other. there should never be anything that makes them never want to be close or talk to each other when they are adults.. so lets never do anything to hurt each other that badly. its too easy these days, in my own family anyways, for people to just shut off and not talk to months or even years and it is too too bad. but thats another blog topic :)

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