Monday, March 19, 2012

rant about LEMOORE OOooOOo :) Its not THAT bad!! Just read it!

because i want to vent.. or piss someone off.. whichever way you wanna take it.. heres my outlook on the "LEMOORE CA SUX" case... (and if you're tired of reading or annoyed with me, or think im a depressing fool, skip to the 2nd to last paragraph for some much nicer commentary... although, if you read the garbage in between here and there, you maaaaayyyy consider something that maybe you haven't before. idk. maybe not! :) )

I really admire anyone that can adapt to change well and handle being away from family and friends they've known forever, and go through their every day life being completely content with the situation they are in. but that is certainly not me.. or it wasn't anyways... ive come a long long way with adapting to this.

most people i have met in the military, haven't traveled too far from where they consider home. That, or they don't mind moving around, or they are not close to their family, or some other excuse. i wasn't like that at all and to some extent im still not. im just really really good at convincing myself that this is what it is and to find the positive in where im at in life.

At first, this was so hard to do. you can go back and read my earlier blogs if you want to. i was only 19 when i married mark and a little immature and it took some time for me to realize i was going to move away from my family and it could be really far away, and i didn't realize just how little control we actually had over picking orders. i met mark and once i discovered i actually really liked him lol, i fell in love with the idea of having a family with him and being married.

i was just starting to figure out life at 19... like most 19 year olds do.

so anyways... florida was our first big move. i tried to keep the family and married life in with the military life which is actually pretty challenging. ive met spouses who either choose one or the other, fail at combining both, or end up having to be away from their husbands for sometimes years at a time... i do NOT know how they keep that working, but man i admire that they can do it!!

for me, i didn't grow up in a house with a picket white fence and even a clue as to how i was going to go to school and raise my family and etc..etc... i can go on... my parents were divorced, each married a few times (lol) etc..etc... so after high school i pretty much just jumped into everything, with advice from people who didn't have a clue themselves as to how to keep a family together, how the military life to get ready for college and be successful. most people i know only accomplish one of those things or try to do multiple and one thing just not working out...

i was determined to do it all.. and i did and am still doing it. (going to college since 2002 with hardly any time off, raising 2 boys who are only 2 years apart, having my dogs, keeping life as normal as possible, but also moving with the military and dealing with that side of life too) i want it all and im so determined to have it all.. my life just the way i want it. despite the bumps in the road and no matter how long it takes.

so anyways... like most things, we didn't get to choose to come to lemoore. not even close. the exact opposite.t he entire squadron moved here.. mind you, we have a house we own in Florida, and chose orders to SC...which we thought we would be there for 3 years. nope. just a few months after getting to SC we were told we had to move to lemoore. LEMOORE? WHERE the frig is that??? WELL... ya see, its this little place on the west coast that i was told no one likes to go to.. and after moving here i CAN see why. this place is very different from anything ive ever seen. yes we wives try to make the best of it, and try not to complain but were human and sometimes we confide in people we think are our friends.. that we can complaint o..and other times, we just have a really bad day and bitch and moan about this "hell hole" until everyone and their grannies have heard us... and other days were like.."ya know.. this place isn't too bad.. its safe, the weathers good" etc...

believe me, i have days like this all the time.

surprisingly, one thing i have NOT done since being here, was CRIED about being here. i thought i would fall apart. i felt physically ill at the thought of being away from the east coast or the gulf. i tend to be somewhat dramatic sometimes. im not oblivious to this. i try to be tough but truth is, i miss my family and if i could be anywhere in the world it'd be Italy. I mean.. with my family in new england :D seriously.. it'd be with my family.

SO next time if you're tired of hearing about someone complain about lemoore... look at the big picture.. maybe its not even that its lemoroe..maybe that its that the person has no connection to this place or anything like it.. maybe its that their home sick, maybe their having a bad day.. maybe they could use a girl friend who doesn't mind being here to show them some cool things around here... maybe they need a drink or some xanax..idk.. but its perfectly normal to complain about a place you don't want to be in.

now i get that there are people who just bitch n bitch n bitch about being in a place like this... but i really haven't seen that. i haven't met anyone that is not tolerable to be around.. someone that constantly brings up hating living here and cant hold a conversation about anything else.

and i highly doubt that anyone is dogging your home town if you are from here...just to be a jerk. for me, when im annoyed with this place (and the flies! the cow poop smell! the heat! the terrible air quality! the bad school get my point!) im not saying people from here are bastards and this place should fall off into the ocean.. im saying this place is NOT for me.

so..what do we want to spouses that are here to do? leave their husbands? go back home? people say "make the best of it' which is just not that easy for some people to do. and for others, it takes time.

I guess my suggestions to the people who say "stop complaining and make the best of it" is that consider who you're talking to, where they came from, what their life was like before, if this is their first major move, if maybe they're depressed, and if you cant help them out then just don't bother with them. there's nothing wrong with not being friends with someone especially if their bringing you down and the truth is..maybe that person doesn't even know their complaining too much to you ..

i could go on and on :) but you don't want me to now do you? you have probably actually stopped reading this especially if you were just wanting to see what i was going to blog about but got tired of reading the complaints and suggestions...

now after all that has been said, i don't mind here here TOO much... for 2 years, its do able for me. i mean aside from all the shit i mentioned earlier that i could care less for about being here, its not THAT bad... will i miss being here after i leave? HELLLLLL no.. but i will miss being close to cool places like san fran and LA and las vegas and stuff.

some places we move to we fight tooth and nail not to go, then we get there and love it and wish we didn't have to leave so soon (this was pensacola for me) other places we cant wait to leave.. ya know we just gotta roll with it. i believe that a good military spouse will have anothers back and suggest things to do and places to go. ive been really lucky to have met a person or two like that. if it wasn't for the few ladies ive met here that have helped me out a little, ill tell ya i think id cry a lot more and feel really stuck here. im so thankful for the cool chicks ive met that have really made this place more tolerable. im excited to go to LA for the first time here soon, and im excited to try out new wines and head to the wineries! my gardening skills have REALLY improved since being in a place like this...and i have learned more ways to kill flies than i ever knew of before ;P im a pretty positive person, but even the most positive people need to lean on someone else once in a while...

and on that corny note.. THE END! <3

1 comment:

  1. Aww..I'll listen to you vent anytime. :) But I'm most happy that you've found a few good people you can enjoy your time with while you're stuck there. :)
    Amy Pakidis
